
The South African Wedding Supplier Awards (SAWSA) is a project established in 2022 and is dedicated to recognising, supporting, and rewarding Wedding Businesses / Suppliers that operate in all nine Provinces on a National level. Individuals, Micro Businesses, Small Businesses or even Major Corporates in the wedding industry are welcome to enter. No matter how small your business may be, this platform remains a level playing field for all wedding suppliers to be recognised and be able to compete with the big dogs in the industry.

2023 will be the inaugural year for the South African Wedding Supplier Awards and we have everything crossed and looking forward to experiencing this with you all.

Our objective and vision is to create a supportive industry network platform, facilitating connectivity amongst wedding suppliers and most importantly, recognising excellence and acumen in offering the best customer service ever.

Our awards structure is based on public or self-nomination which is then followed by SMS voting and video likes on social media.  

Nominees with the least number of votes will be eliminated weekly/monthly depending on the number of wedding suppliers entered per category.

Voting is vital for these awards. The whole judging process is based on the votes received by each entrant, their social media presence as well as the final interview, hence all participants are encouraged to view these awards as another form of marketing for their businesses to increase customer reach through social media and the voting system.

The categories are as follows:

  1. Best Bridal Gown
  2. Best Suits & Formal Wear
  3. Best Traditional Attire
  4. Best Wedding Décor
  5. Best Wedding Venue
  6. Best Wedding Cake Designer
  7. Best Wedding Hairstylist
  8. Best Bridal Make-Up Artist
  9. Best Wedding Entertainer (Live Performance & Deejay)
  10. Best Wedding Photographer
  11. Best Wedding Videographer
  12. Best Florist
  13. Best Marriage Therapist
  14. Best Caterer

The Awards, taking place in Gauteng on Friday the 3rd of February 2023 @ 6pm, promise to be a glittering affair with guests attending to network and support the wedding industry.

The official charity partner for this project is The Tsosholosho Foundation, which is raising funds for worthy causes namely: Gender-based Violence, Education as well as Substance abuse – 



  • You can nominate yourself by entering the South African Wedding Awards if you are a wedding supplier based in South Africa – all nine (9) Provinces inclusive.
  • Complete your details on the online registration form. (registration form to be live)
  • Once we have received your entry, we will then contact you and add you to our group chat for further Awards Updates with fellow participating nominees.

Nominate your favourite wedding supplier

  • If you know of any wedding supplier who has not yet entered the South African Wedding Supplier Awards, and you think they should, whether you are a client, a fellow supplier or a friend etc., you can nominate them by entering their details on the online registration form. (registration form to be live)
  • We will then contact the nominated company and verify that they wish to take part in the awards.
    Nominating a wedding supplier is not the same as voting for them, so you will still need to vote for them starting from the 19th December 2022.Their posters will be shared on our social media platforms.
Edits in progress
  • Voting for the SAWS Awards 2023 will begin from the 19th of December 2022.
  • Voting costs R3 per SMS, free SMSes do not apply. 1 SMS is 1 Vote.
  • If you wish to look at the companies that have entered / have been nominated, simply check our social media platforms and find their posters. These will be available on the website through a link to be provided.

NB: Entry is free of charge.